Regarding the use of instruction manuals

Requests and notes for the use of instruction manuals

  • The contents of the instruction manuals available on this site may be copied only when you use a Tiger product that you purchased. They may not be modified or distributed for any other purposes without permission from Tiger Corporation.

  • If you cannot find a desired instruction manual, contact the store where you purchased the product or our customer service to purchase a product.

    ※ Note that we may not be able to provide the instruction manual you requested because the production is discontinued.

  • The contents of the instruction manuals are subject to change following changes made to the specifications of the corresponding products to improve their performance. Note that the contents of the instruction manuals packed with your products may differ from those of the instruction manuals available on this site.

  • Although we provide information on this site with the greatest care, we are not responsible for:

    1. all the information provided being accurate, useful, and safe;
    2. the information provided always being updated;
    3. all damages resulting from the use of or failure to use this website;
    4. stopping the server, changing the information provided on the website, or suspending or discontinuing the provision of information without prior notice; or any damages resulting therefrom.