Terms & Conditions



タイガー魔法瓶 ウェブサイトのご利用について

タイガー魔法瓶株式会社(以下、「当社」といいます)では、ウェブサイトの「利用規約」を設けさせていただいております。 ウェブサイトをご利用いただく方は、以下の条件に同意いただいたものとさせていただきます。

  1. 当社は、予告なく「利用規約」を変更することがあります。その場合は変更後の「利用規約」が適用されますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  2. 当社では当ウェブサイトに掲示した情報について、以下の点について責任を負うものではありません。
    1. 掲示された情報が、全て正しく、全て安全で、全て有用であること。
    2. 掲示された情報が、常に最新のものであること。
    3. 当ウェブサイトの利用によって起こった一切の損害。
    4. 予告なしにサーバーの停止、情報の変更、提供の中止・中断を行うこと。またそれによって生じたいかなる損害。
  3. 当社のウェブサイトからリンクされた当社関係会社のウェブサイトをご利用される際には、当該リンク先の利用規約にしたがって下さい。





  1. リンクをすることによって、万が一トラブルや損害賠償問題などが発生した場合でも、当社はいっさい責任を負いません。
  2. リンク先のウェブサイトとその内容について、当社は保証するものではありません。
  3. リンク先は当社トップページに設定してください。
  4. リンクのボタンには当社の社名をテキストで表示したものをご使用ください。当社のロゴマーク、製品名のロゴマーク、商標などは使用できません。
  5. 以下のようなリンクは固くお断りいたします。
    • フレームを使用したリンクや、一部のページに直接リンクをし、当社のサイトであるとわかりづらくなるリンク。
    • 公序良俗に反するサイト、または当社および当社グループ会社の役員や社員・製品やサービスなどを誹謗中傷するサイトからのリンク。
    • 当社と提携またはそのサイトを支持していると、誤解を招くリンク。


当社に対する、ご意見・ご相談などは「 その他のお問合わせ」からお送りください。ただし、下記のようなご提案は当社が募集した場合を除き、辞退させて頂いております。

  • お客様や第三者の営業秘密、固有の情報
  • 製品名や企画に関するアイデア、デザイン、資料
  • 事業に関するアイデア、資料などのご提案





当社(タイガー魔法瓶(株))は、「 プライバシーポリシー 」に基づき、当サイトでの個人情報の取扱いについて以下のように行います。









  1. お客様の同意がある場合
  2. 事前に守秘義務契約を締結した外部業者に業務を委託する場合
  3. お客様個人を識別、特定できない形式に加工した状態で開示する場合
  4. 法的な命令等により個人情報の開示が求められた場合










Microsoft Edge 最新版
Chrome 最新版
Firefox 最新版
Safari 最新版

iOS14以上(Safari)、 Android OS 8.0以上(Chrome)


個人情報を取り扱うページではTLS(Transport Layer Security) 通信により情報の暗号化を実現しています。


取扱説明書など一部のページでは最新の Adobe Readerプラグインが必要となります。
ダウンロードサイトより Adobe Reader プラグインをダウンロードし、インストールしてください。





Adobe、Adobe Reader、Flash Playerは、Adobe Systems Incorporated(アドビシステムズ社)の商標または登録商標です。



Terms & Conditions

Using the Tiger Corporation Website

Tiger Corporation (“We” or the “Company”) has established “Terms & Conditions” of the website. Users of the website are deemed to have agreed to the following terms and conditions.

1. We may make changes to the “Terms & Conditions” without prior notice. In such cases, please understand that the “Terms & Conditions” after any changes will apply.

2. We are not responsible for any of the following with regard to the information posted on this website.

(1) All posted information being correct, safe or useful.

(2) The posted information always being up to date.

(3) Any damage caused as a result of using this website.

(4) Stopping the server, changing the information or suspending or discontinuing the provision without prior notice, or for any damages caused as a result thereof.

3. When using the website of an affiliate of the Company linked from our website, please follow the terms and conditions of the linked website.

Copyrights and Trademarks

All data, texts, drawings, designs, trademarks, logo marks, etc., that you view on our website belong to the Company, the original authors, or other right holders. Except for cases of personal use, acts such as distribution, copying, transmission or modification, without permission from the Company or other rights holders, are prohibited.


Subject to agreement to the following items, you may link to our website without the requirement of going through any particular procedure, regardless of whether for profit or non-profit, on the Internet or an intranet.

(1) We will not be responsible for any trouble or issues of compensation for damages that may occur as a result of linking to the site.

(2) We make no guarantees regarding linked websites and their contents.

(3) Please set the link destination point to the Company’s top page. (The composition, contents, etc., of the website may be changed or suspended without prior notice.)

(4) Please use a link button with the Company’s name displayed as text. You cannot use the Company’s logo mark, product name logo mark or trademark, etc.

(5) The following links are strictly prohibited.

  • Links that use frames, or links that lead directly to a specific page and make it difficult to know that it is a link to our website.
  • Links from websites that are offensive to public order and morality, or from websites which slander the officers, employees, products, services, etc., of the Company or our group companies.
  • Links that are misleading, suggesting that we are partnered with or support the website.

Opinions from Customers

Please direct all opinions and inquiries regarding the Company to “Other Inquiries”. However, the Company will decline proposals such as the following, except in cases where we have solicited them.

  • Trade secrets or proprietary information of customers and third parties
  • Product names and planning related ideas, designs or materials
  • Proposals regarding business-related ideas and materials

Even if you send us such proposals, etc., the Company shall accept no responsibility for payment, evaluation or adoption. The customer shall be deemed to have waived all rights related to such proposals, etc.
The Company shall accept no responsibility in the event that a Company project or plan, etc., happens to resemble your “proposal.”
Diversion or posting of responses to customer inquiries, etc., from Tiger Corporation without permission is prohibited, regardless of the medium.

Policy on the Handling of Personal Information

The Company (Tiger Corporation) handles personal information on this website as follows, in accordance with the “Privacy Policy.”

Collection of Personal Information

When collecting your personal information, we will inform you of the purpose and usage details beforehand, and obtain your consent before collecting the personal information.

Management of Personal Information

The Company has established a manager responsible for personal information and we conduct appropriate and secure management of your personal information. In relation to unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information, we take preventative measures, such as using SSL on input screens, and we take prompt corrective measures in the event of an emergency.

Use of Personal Information

The Company only uses personal information within the scope of consent from our customers. In addition, we may anonymize the information that has been registered, to ensure that individuals cannot be personally identified, and use the information as materials for providing services by the Company, as well as for improving the services offered by the Company and our affiliates.

Provision of Personal Information

Even when we provide your personal information to a third party, we will not disclose your personal information to any third party except in the following cases.
1. When you have given your consent
2. When entrusting operations to an external contractor with whom we have concluded a confidentiality agreement in advance
3. When disclosing information in a state where it has been processed into a form where you cannot be personally identified
4. When we are requested to disclose your personal information based on legal orders, or the applicable laws and regulations
When we provide your personal information to business partners with your consent, they are obligated to manage it properly and securely in the same way as the Company. 

Modification and Revocation of Personal Information

If you wish to query, change or revoke your personal information, you can contact our customer help desk and we will respond promptly within a reasonable scope and time period. Note that we may ask you to confirm your identity. To the extent for which we have obtained your consent, we may send you information concerning the Company’s mail-order sales, special events, and other business of the Company, by email or by post; however, if you do not wish to receive them, you can contact our customer help desk, and we will stop such sending.

Requests Regarding Your Use of the Site

We ask that persons under the age of 16 only provide personal information after attaining the consent of a parent or guardian.

Language and Court of Competent Jurisdiction

In case of any discrepancy between different language versions of these Terms & Conditions, the Japanese version shall prevail. These Terms & Conditions shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, and any dispute arising therefrom shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Osaka District Court of Japan.

Recommended Environment

We recommend the following environment for viewing this website.

Web Browsers

We recommend that you use the following web browsers to view this website. We cannot guarantee normal operation and display of this website if you are viewing it in an environment other than those listed below. For information on updating your browser to the latest version, please check the official website of your browser.
Chrome latest version
Safari latest version (Mac OS X version)
*Smartphones iOS 14 or later (Safari), Android OS 8.0 or later (Chrome)


To protect your information from unauthorized access by malicious third parties, pages on this website that handle personal information encrypt information using Transport Layer Security (TLS) communication.
If your browser is set to not use TLS, pages may not be displayed properly.

PDF Plug-in

The latest Adobe Reader plug-in is required on some pages, such as user manuals. Please download and install the Adobe Reader plug-in from the download website.


Please enable JavaScript in your web browser settings before viewing this website. If JavaScript is disabled in your web browser settings, the website may not be displayed correctly or may not function properly. Please enable the JavaScript functions on your web browser before using. 

Use of Cookies

The Company uses cookies to make it more convenient for customers to use enhanced service contents. Please be aware that if you refuse to accept the cookies, the website may not be displayed properly.
Cookies are a mechanism by which the website provider writes and stores data temporarily on your computer through your web browser (a software for browsing homepages). It may be possible for you to set your browser to notify you when visiting a website that uses cookies and give you the option of refusing to accept them.
*Adobe, Adobe Reader and Flash Player are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Last Updated: September 28 2022